With a mission to foster personal growth and improve the lives of others, the Masons of California practice principles and traditions of a deep-rooted fraternity: brotherly love, relief, and truth. To honor the 300th Anniversary of Freemasonry, CDA was commissioned to create a limited edition presentation box housing a series of commemorative magazines and coin. CDA created these three cover illustrations, viewed in tandem above, to represent the organization’s evolution from its past, visually transforming into its future.

“Creative design, illustration, branding — these are CDA’s major strengths. We absolutely recommend CDA to others. They’re great listeners! Very high quality, creative people who think conceptually.”Emily Limón, Vice President, Communications, Masons of California

CDA is the designer and illustrator of record for the California Freemason magazine — cover to cover, six issues a year, for seven years and counting. Our collaborative partnership provides communications that honor heritage and look toward the future of a growing membership.