The intuitive, easy-to-use redesigned website frees visitors, both loyal and uninitiated, to explore what Cocoknits is all about: making, learning, discovering, and sharing. Check out the full case study through the link in our bio!

Cocoknits is an Oakland-based, women-owned small business driven by their love of making things. It was a delight to partner together to create a website that can grow with this flourishing brand’s creative community for years to come. Learn more about our process—full case study is through the link in bio. #chendesign

In a climate of booming construction, we set apart Build Group from its competitors by tapping into its founders’ gutsy but professional personality, telling their story in compelling ways. Our choice for the striking, electric blue enlivens Build Group’s brand identity in the digital space. Each landing page features an unconventional but captivating grid layout that showcases an impressive range of projects. Robust project filtering makes it easy for users to explore their interests, find relevant work, and connect to appropriate contacts. Take a further look through the link in our profile! (3/3)